System Design and System Management Services

ITO Systems specializes in deploying state of the art 3-tier distributed systems that are based on the latest Java technology. These systems are highly scaleable and robust and are capable of serving the most demanding applications. However, these systems can be quite difficult and costly for individual customer to deploy and maintain. With our outsourcing model, we help our customers build the proper infrastructures and applications, and we provide the long-term human resources to help co-manage these systems.

Network Services

ITO Systems offers IP VPN services covering the Greater China region of mainland China, Hong Kong & Taiwan. Our IP VPN services is an effective communications solution with quality equivalent to traditional IPLC but at only a fraction of the running cost of IPLC.

Corporate customers would make use of our IP VPN solution by connecting to our POPs closest to the customer's user sites, using low cost local loops. Once connected to our MPLS enabled networks at the POPs, traffics will be transported at pre-agreed QoS. Users of our IP VPN services may transport any IP based traffics, such as data, IP voice, video conference, etc., all at a fixed monthly cost.

ITO Systems sales consultants have years of experience in designing and implementing multi-point IP VPN networks.